SplendidCRM with Silverlight 2.0 and hosting tricks

I’m using SplendidCRM version 2.1.3074.33397. Is a great tool for CRM, based on SugarCRM but ported to .Net, Even Miguel Icaza has mentioned it.

However, when I start running the application I got an error :

Silverlight error message
ErrorCode: 2024
ErrorType: ParserError
Message: 2024 An error has occurred.
Line: 245
Position: 200

In Home page and in Dashboard, it seems like the property TextWrapping in some XAML files now only accepts Wrap, instead of WrapWithOverflow.

The correction is really easy. Here you can download the XAML’s files corrected. Copy them to opportunities/XAML folder.

Other Tricks: if you need to install it on hosted server and the host don’t allow you to run installer, port the solution to Web Application Project, and publish it. Copy the results files to your hosted server. Then run the installer on your machine but in the step related with SQL Server, write the connection info from your Hosted SQL Server. That way I installed the company CRM.

Juan Pelaez
Software Architect.
We are Exceeding Your Expectations.

Keywords: SplendidCRM, CRM, 3Metas.